Set WiFi to Client AP for internet access (WiFi WWAN)
This article shows how to set up the Proroute H685 4G to get internet access, through WIfi from another WiFi network.
The H685 4G uses B/G/N Wi-fi 2.4GHz, it can connect to these Wi-Fi network standards.
The below guide assumes the Wi-Fi network H685 connects to gives IP addresses by DHCP, if not see troubleshooting.
1. Start from factory default settings
2. Connect PC/Laptop to LAN port of H685. Reach H685 UI using in web browser. Log in using default username and password.
3. Immediately change H685 login to a strong memorable password.
4. Go to: Network > Wi-Fi > AP Client
5. In the list of available Wi-Fi networks, find the Wi-Fi network required for internet access. Press Join Network.
6. Enter Wi-Fi passphrase. Keep Replace Wireless Configuration ticked. Press Submit.
7. At this point the UI will open the Wi-Fi Network settings page (below). Usually at this point the auto-filled and auto-selected properties will allow an internet connection to be established once ‘Save and Apply’ is pressed.
8. Operating frequency (mode, operation and width) must match requirements for network. Mode must be set to Client. Network must have WWAN ticked. Press Save & Apply.
Once the above is followed, the H685’s Wi-Fi connection is set to receive an IP address automatically by DHCP from the Wi-Fi network it connects to. If the Wi-Fi network is not running DHCP and you need to set a static IP for the H685 then go to: Network > Interfaces > WWAN (Edit) > General Setup > Protocol. Change from DHCP Client to Static Address. Then configure the IPv4; address, netmask, and gateway to match the Wi-Fi network. Press Save and Apply.